
In my quest to exercise writing skills that I discovered back in 5th grade, I’ve blogged on a good number of things over the years. My list of past host sites include Livejournal (LJ!), Multiply (um… it went downhill after turning into a marketplace), and Blogspot (my meh phase) until my nomadic self finally found a home in WordPress. What was once a House-of-Rants-turned-Food-Blog has somehow morphed to accommodate reviews on beauty products as well. Why, if I had to label this particular blog, I’d end up with “lifestyle blog.” Welcome to my eclectic world!

Realizing that good food has always been one of the great unifiers has opened up so many possibilities. This is the food blog of a learner, always finding something new and amazing. At the same time, I am passionate about my search for holy grail beauty products that won’t bleed my wallet dry. I discovered a love of cosmetics at a young age when I would often watch my mom perform her beauty routine with such gusto. This is the beauty blog of a girly-girl, chockful of goodies that make me love being a girl. Finally, where would I be without broadening my horizons? This is the travel blog (food trips and beauty hauls!) of an adventure-lover, sharing my path with readers whenever I get the chance.

Enjoy. 🙂

The Author:

I go by “Matromao”. I am a cook-in-training, a writer, a wedding magazine content editor, a freelancer, a part-time English tutor, and a cosmetic enthusiast. As you can see, I put on many different hats. 😉

To see my work for Themes & Motifs INSPIRATIONS FOR WEDDINGS magazine, please CLICK HERE.


I will be forever grateful for this AMAZING header by my good friend and super talented artist, Ebi, of UVLA Store. Truly, a work of art!

E-mail Me for questions, inquiries, reviews, etc.: 


8 thoughts on “About

  1. You have such an amazing blog! I like how you share all these stuffs with us here!
    You’ve got my official follow!!
    I hope to read your posts soon enough ❤
    Much love

  2. Hi:) well, I guess someone beat me to it (referring to that^ lovely comment up there), but I just wanted to tell you I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Well, whether it was me, or Taylor up there, I really hope you choose/chose(?) to do this tag/award, because I’d love to see you answer some more personal questions, because I’ve been loving your blog and your makeup wisdom. Anyways, I hope you have a lovely day:)

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